Advanced Filtration Technology: utilizing top quality HEPA material, our filters can intercept up to 99.97% of tiny particles, including dust and pet dander, giving you a better living environment
Crafted for durability, every filter is capable of sustaining high-efficiency filtration for a duration of several months, influenced by your usage frequency. When used normally and properly maintained, your vacuum cleaner is assured to function optimally.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you require any information or face any issues. Our dedicated team is on standby, ready to offer the informational support you need. Your satisfaction is the ultimate measure of our service
Replacing the filters is quick and easy, no specialized tools are required, follow the step-by-step instructions we provide and install them in minutes to keep your vacuum cleaner running at its best
Replacement for Dirt Devil Simplistik Plus 3-in-1 Corded Stick Vacuum SD20000RED & Simplistik 1.2 Amp Stick Vacuum SD22010, Compare to Part# AD40113
4-Pack HEPA Filter Replacement for Dirt Devil Simplistik Vacuums SD20000RED & SD22010, Compare to Part # AD40113
Advanced Filtration Technology: utilizing top quality HEPA material, our filters can intercept up to 99.97% of tiny particles, including dust and pet dander, giving you a better living environment
Crafted for durability, every filter is capable of sustaining high-efficiency filtration for a duration of several months, influenced by your usage frequency. When used normally and properly maintained, your vacuum cleaner is assured to function optimally.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you require any information or face any issues. Our dedicated team is on standby, ready to offer the informational support you need. Your satisfaction is the ultimate measure of our service
Replacing the filters is quick and easy, no specialized tools are required, follow the step-by-step instructions we provide and install them in minutes to keep your vacuum cleaner running at its best
Replacement for Dirt Devil Simplistik Plus 3-in-1 Corded Stick Vacuum SD20000RED & Simplistik 1.2 Amp Stick Vacuum SD22010, Compare to Part# AD40113